Mig33 Tips And Tricks
If you want to be an admin of mig33 then you must be a good user. You have to be
respectful to all mig33 admins & staffs. When you will go to send an email to : about the request of adminship, you have to be gentle & good
person. Then you have to introduce yourself at the time of writing email at
first. After that, you have to request for admin position with acceptable
reasons so that mig33 team will be able to understand about your desire goal of
being admin. Then you should write your current username & mobile number for
admin position. After that, show some respects to mig33 team & finish the
letter. If you will get this reply, "Thanks for your interest about
admin/moderator position. We are not currently selecting any admin/moderator.
Please wait for a while." Then you should be wait for this perpose. If you will
be a freshman, then you will be able to be an admin of mig33 chat rooms.
1. User should be gentle & well behaved.
2 . Never been kicked by any admin of mig33 chat rooms.
3. Never practised multiple kick & hang/freeze code, slang & flood.
4 . Never been banned by any admin of mig33 chat rooms.
5 . User have to be online most of the times in mig33 (daily min 5:00 hour)
6. Minimum 6 month old id.
respectful to all mig33 admins & staffs. When you will go to send an email to : about the request of adminship, you have to be gentle & good
person. Then you have to introduce yourself at the time of writing email at
first. After that, you have to request for admin position with acceptable
reasons so that mig33 team will be able to understand about your desire goal of
being admin. Then you should write your current username & mobile number for
admin position. After that, show some respects to mig33 team & finish the
letter. If you will get this reply, "Thanks for your interest about
admin/moderator position. We are not currently selecting any admin/moderator.
Please wait for a while." Then you should be wait for this perpose. If you will
be a freshman, then you will be able to be an admin of mig33 chat rooms.
1. User should be gentle & well behaved.
2 . Never been kicked by any admin of mig33 chat rooms.
3. Never practised multiple kick & hang/freeze code, slang & flood.
4 . Never been banned by any admin of mig33 chat rooms.
5 . User have to be online most of the times in mig33 (daily min 5:00 hour)
6. Minimum 6 month old id.
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