Saturday, 16 October 2010

Design Your profile with HTML

Mig33, Mig33 Tutoriyal, Mig33 Tips And Tricks

Design your profile with html script
mig33 advantage of bugs that exist with the best …
1. login to
2. go to profile, edit profile, continue to replace the photo (photos page)
3. select any kind of photo’s up to you,,, keep clicking more options

4. click Set as Profile Picture continues to see the url in the address bar
This distinguished name is the same url address bar:
5. see url…ure&imgid=2abbe19a632c4264afedc15e92aa4088&itid=115373239
transformed into:…ure&imgid=2abbe19a632c4264afedc15e92aa4088 “> <body bgcolor=”FF0000″> <big> <? & itid = 115 373 239
truz hit enter on your keyboard … then the result … Your profile background will turn red and the text font to be italic / slash
Just the details:
Quote: <body bgcolor=”FF0000″>
to change the background color, coloring can wear the color code.
color codes can be found Here or Here
to change the font size to large …
Some who might need to html script:
Quote: <i>
to change the font to slash
to change the font to be bold
<a href=”http://your link”>
to create a hyperlink on your profile
<form action=”http://yourlink”> <input type=”submit” value=”bdmig33″> </ form>
same function as above cuman AGK looks a little different

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